Newuniversitynorway Homepage

Newuniversitynorway Homepage has been formed as a response to what we see as an increasing commodification of higher education in Norway at a critical time when corporate agendas are undermining public universities and intellectual integrity around the world.

With this web page we hope to create a platform for critical discussions about the future of our universities and what role they should play in society. It forms part of an effort to reclaim this debate which has for too long been left to a small group of politicians and university management. We therefore invite a broad specter of voices to join in in imagining a “New University Norway”.

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Høringssvar på Høring NOU 2020: 3 Ny lov om universiteter og høyskoler

In response to the consultation on a new law in the university sector in Norway (NOU 2020: 3), several Members of New University Norway have written a letter containing a list of issues to be addressed in discussions of the sectors’ future. It is highly problematic how systemic issues are portrayed as individuals’ problems. We find the Official Norwegian Report to be a missed opportunity to address these issues. In our statement, we have 11 concrete remarks on the current situation in academia, to make policy makers aware of how neoliberal market ideas challenge the societal role and democratic functions of higher education institutions.

  • Foto: Eli Smeplass

Utdanning og Trygge Norske Casino

Foto: Eli Smeplass

Høyere utdanning i Norge legger vekt på kritisk tenkning, noe som hjelper spillere med å identifisere trygge norske casino. Disse casinoene følger strenge reguleringer, sikrer rettferdige spill og beskytter personlige data, og gir norske spillere en pålitelig og sikker spillopplevelse.

  • Foto: Onny Carr

Open post: NTNU sustainability and its future relationship to EU funding – by Peter Gray

Photo: Onny Carr

Internationalisation and research funding are clearly important issues, but EU funding instruments, such as H2020, have not evolved significantly since the early years of the framework programmes. They are constrained by the internal

  • Foto: Marita Løkås

ProtestPub – Fremtidens universitet: For hvite menn som pusher 50?

Det stilles stadig høyere krav til de som har ambisjoner om en forskerkarriere. Konkurransen om vitenskapelige stillinger er skjerpet på grunn av en omfattende økning av arbeidstakere med forskerkompetanse, bortfall av faste vitenskapelige stillinger og

  • Photo: Nina Aas Røkkum

ProtestPub: Homeless Academics – A debate about academic mobility and knowledge production

Like many other universities, NTNU has an international strategy plan. The goal is to “strengthen quality and relevance of NTNUs enterprise and increase the international recognition”. Highly skilled researchers are handpicked for temporary positions to aid NTNU reach these goals, but there are no concrete plans to keep these people or give them permanent positions after their projects are finalized.